Choosing a contractor can be a daunting task but it doesn’t have to be.
Some simple research and a smart vetting process, can make finding the exact right contractor a breeze.
We first recommend understanding clearly the desired outcome of your project. Whether that’s an amazing deck, breathtaking new kitchen or a second to none basement renovation… understanding who has experience in this line of work can save you eons in your research.

Not every contractor builds decks or pergolas and if that’s what you’re looking for, the first step is finding those who specialize in your kind of project.
Once you’ve got a good pool of contractors experienced in the nature of your project, check their reviews. What are people saying? How many reviews do they have? How many stars do they average? How active are they? These are key factors in understanding the level of a specific contractor.
Once you’ve filtered through those who are experienced in your project and have reviews that satisfy you, it’s always wise to review their website and social networks. What is their messaging and is it in line with you? Any of these projects can potentially take weeks and some even months… Having a contractor you vibe with and get along with, can prove invaluable as your project unfolds.
The last step in your due diligence, would be actually speaking with those options who have survived your research. Having a conversation with these options and diving into the specifics of your project, should reveal the last of the info necessary to make an educated decision on who the best contractor for you is.

Investing in your home is a big decision and has significant implications. At Witt & Sons we work hard to provide resources to help our community make the best choices. In addition to that, we pride ourselves in our 5 star rating across all major platforms. Building strong relationships throughout the community and delivering on our word is the foundation of our business.
If you’d like to speak with us about your project, we welcome your contact anytime and look forward to serving you soon! (719)602-5000